Monday, August 10, 2009

NED remains

I had been busy all day today , a morning walk in Donaldson Park with Nick ( before the temps hit 90 ) working online on advocacy issues, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom floors, ironing and shopping for clothes for my Aunt to wear to my niece's wedding. I hadn't had much time to think about last week's PET scan.

So this afternoon when I answered the phone and it was Deanna my nurse practitioner my heart skipped a little beat. Uh, oh, I thought. Deanna is on the phone. Maybe she could hear that little hesitation in my voice because before I could ask her how her vacation was - she was telling me- "Your PET results are in and the conclusion is " There is no evidence of disease."" Wow! and a huge sigh of relief. I'm still ok. Incredible.

Good doctors , good medicine and faith.

Every Day is a Blessing!

1 comment:

Denise said...

YAY! We can celebrate together. I got the same news yesterday!