Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Days of ASCO: Other Gyn Cancers

This post will cover research I heard that related to endometrial and cervical cancers.

Divide and Conquer

Goodfellow- Mismatch repair mechanisms (MMR) are frequent in endometrial cancers.

The use of immune checkpoint blockade holds promise for endometrial cancers with MMR.

Surviving the Cure

McCormack - This presentation was on the late effects of radiotherapy (RT)  for gyn cancers.

 A Mayo Clinic study showed 17% of women had lower limb lymphedema after RT.
Radiotherapy can also impacted sexual function.

Oral Abstract 
Frenel  Discussed the use of pembrolizumab ( anti-PD1) in 24  women with advanced cervical cancer in a phase 1 trial - KEYNOTE trial (5515) . Pembrolizumab was well tolerated and had promising anti-tumor activity.

Soliman Discussed everolumis, letrozole, and metformin in recurrent/advanced endometrial cancer. (5506)  the study showed that 67% of the women treated with the combined therapy showed a clinical benefit. There was no difference in clinical benefit for those with the KRAS mutation. Side effects included anemia , diarrhea and fatigue.

Poster Session
5518 Clinically applicable molecular-based classification for endometrial cancers.
MMR,  immunohistochemistry (IHC), mutation status of the POLE exonuclease domain, and p53 IHC were  evaluated on a cohort of 456 endometrial  hysterectomy specimens. POLE had the best prognosis while the P53 had the worst prognosis. The "molecular classification tool can be used from time of first diagnosis and will: provide consistent categorization of tumors, improve risk stratification, identify women who may have Lynch syndrome, stratify clinical trials, and we believe ultimately improve outcomes for women with EC."

5520 Phase II study of anastrozole in recurrent estrogen (ER) / progesterone (PR) positive endometrial cancer: The PARAGON trial—ANZGOG 0903 
Women in this study showed improved quality of life ( emotional and physical function) when taking anatrozole.
The SGO shared these videos of research presented at #ASCO16 on endometrial and cervical cancers. Speaker is Dr Shannon Westin, MD Anderson and #gyncsm health care moderator. 

endometrial cancer

cervical cancer

Next post will be on liquid biopsies. 

Every Day is a Blessing!

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