Wednesday, January 3, 2024

So Long 2023 - Welcome 2024 !

For those of you have followed this blog know that I don't make resolutions for the new year but rather I make a list of  aspirations.  When I was thinking about what aspirations should be on my list this year,  I realized I still have not visited Maine.  How long has visiting Maine been on my list? I went back and checked my posts and Visiting Maine shows up for the very first time in my first post of 2014. 

From Only In Your State website

It has appeared on the list every year since then - 10 years! And it will stay on the list this year too, along with :

Spend more time with my children, their spouses and grandchildren.
Practice more watercolor painting.
Spend less time on social media and more time connecting in real life.
Continue to play Pickleball, practice Yoga and dance in Jazzercise class 
Continue to take long walks with my dog Amber - a great quiet time in my day.
Continue to do the advocacy work that brings me joy - grant reviews and learning about and sharing research news

What do you aspire to do?  Remember it might not happen right away  but we can always reach for it. 

I've seen some folks pick a word of the year.  I thought that silence would be a good one - sometimes I am so busy doing things that I never experience silence except for when I take a walk with my dog.  I read a list of words a friend share with me and thought boundaries would be a good word too. I need to set better boundaries when it comes to advocacy vs other aspects of my life. Then I thought I would try using a word of the year generator and it gave me :


I like it! I can aim to prosper in so many different areas of my life. Have you picked a word?

Happy New Year! 

Every Day is a Blessing!


Philippa said...

Oh, I love this idea of an aspiration for the year, and prosper is a great word for 2024. I love that it can apply to all areas of wellbeing. I have been choosing three words, as a kind of mantra for the past 15 years, and never tire of the process of reflecting on the past year and focusing on priorities for the coming year.

I hope that 2024 is kind and prosperous, and look forward to hearing about the Maine visit 😁

Dee said...

Thanks for commenting Phillipa. In my women's ministry group I added another word for the - Silence. Sometimes we just need quiet - free from technology and listen.
I too hope your year is happy and healthy.