Tuesday, June 14, 2022

News from #ASCO22 Part 5 - Case Studies of Endometrial Cancer

This session was a case based discussion titled Controversies and Considerations in Adjuvant Advanced Endoemterial Cancer. 

Cases were presented and questions asked of the panel which included a patient advocate, @AdrienneEcana.

Tomorrow catch my last post from ASCO. It included varied Tweets of studies from the meeting that were not necessarily a part of the sessions I viewed.



Every Day is a Blessing! 


Anonymous said...

Thank you Dee for spotlighting this. Regarding food deserts. That comment was a response to the equation between obesity being a Primary risk factor and the causation of AA mortality. The link is the lack of healthy food options in black communities that don't have access to foods that help fight cancer; thereby increasing obesity in the community. The two are intrinsic linked

Dee said...

Thank you for discussing the term food desert with my readers. You are right the two are linked. I live in a very populated state, yet in many counties there are food deserts. We have the State funded county Chronic Disease Coalitions working on bringing better diet options - fresh fruits , vegetables in to the local food stores. Many of those counties also have high cancer incidences.