Thursday, January 26, 2012

In One Word

Yesterday I read an article in U.S. 1 magazine about a project done by Westminster Choir College called "Giving Voice to Community". "Giving Voice to Community" is based on NPR's "Story Corps" and "Anthropological Wordsmith Picture Show". The project asks those attending Westminster Choir College concerts to be photographed with one word of their choice. Those who participate are not given any guidance as to what the word should represent. See some photos here.

That article got me thinking of what word I would choose.

The first word that popped into my mind was "SURVIVOR". But does that word make cancer the focus of my life? I admit that many times it is. I call myself a cancer advocate so I am reading about cancer, talking to other survivors , trying to raise awareness of ovarian cancer , volunteering with ovarian cancer organizations and raising funds for cancer research. That happens just about every day.

I am also a survivor who worries. This week I worried that my port might not function correctly. It functioned like brand new. I worried as I waited to see my doctor. And when her nurse practitioner came in to do the exam because my doctor had to see a newly diagnosed patient I was a bit hesitant. But then I thought to myself " You are 3 years out of surgery for your recurrence and 2 and a half years out of chemo , your CA-125 is 11 isn't it time to move on?" . The exam went well. So I am good for 3 more months.

So yes, I am a survivor. But I would choose the word


I am more than just a cancer survivor , I am a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, advocate, engineer, teacher, blogger , crocheter, painter, Disney fan & dog owner. And I hope to add more to life in the years ahead.


Every Day is a Blessing


OCWarrior1026 said...

Love this post, Dee. I've OFTEN tried to sum up all that is happening in one word. I am still changing day-to-day with that. I love that I'm not the only one trying to find simplicity and at the same time wholeness with this. Thanks Dee!

Dee said...

I'm glad you like the post.
I like your choice of the word "wholeness". That could lead to another post.
Take care.