Monday, February 22, 2021

The Wait is Over

My last post talked about waiting for the vaccine. I was waiting, maybe not so patiently but waiting just the same, when last Monday I got a text message on my phone saying there were Covid vaccine appointments available through the RWJBH system.  I clicked on the link to begin the process. I read a document on the Pfizer vaccine, listened to a video about the vaccine and answered a few health questions. It brought me to a site to choose an appointment . Bingo! I was able to get one for Thursday ,February 18th. I was so excited. But the weather did not cooperate. A snow storm was on its way. On Wednesday evening, I received a text saying they were postponing all appointments at the site until Saturday at the same time. So I waited just a little longer.

Earlier, I had reached out to the pharmacist at my cancer center about taking the vaccine. I had a anaphylactic reaction to carboplatin and was concerned. He assured me that there was no PEG in the carboplatin and since I never had a serious reaction to taxol (which does contain a type of PEG) I should feel comfortable taking the vaccine. That certainly put my mind at ease. 

We, my husband also got an appointment for 10 minutes after mine, drove to the center and after a temperature check walked inside.  The wait was about an hour standing 6 feet apart with our masks on. The Army National Guard was helping with check-in and registration, which went very smoothly. Then it was time for the vaccine.  We were brought to one of 25 smaller cubicles where we answered a few more questions and got the shot. It didn't hurt at all getting the vaccine. 

Even after telling the health worker my reaction was not to a product with PEG in it, she still thought it best that I wait 30 minutes. She asked me to set the timer on my phone,  gave me a red wristband and directed me to a special area to wait. While there, other RWJBH workers helped us make and confirm an appointment for the second vaccine. 

After being home a few hours my arm did start to hurt so I took a Tylenol before bed. Yesterday , it hurt more and it was not easy raising my left arm. But I didn't feel tired , or have a fever or any other side effect. 

Today I am 100% back to normal and waiting for number two. 

I hope more people are able to receive the vaccine quickly throughout the country. 


Every Day is a Blessing!