Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ovarian Cancer Research at the Cancer Survivorship Research Conference- Part 4

The focus of this conference was survivorship but I did find two posters that dealt with ovarian cancer survivorship in particular.

Impact of Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy on Quality of Life Among Ovarian Cancer Survivors: Results from the Population-Based Profiles Registry

This study was done in the Netherlands.  I had the opportunity to speak directly to Lonneke van de Poll-Franse, PhD one of the researchers . She told me that the number of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the Netherlands was 800 just slightly more than the number diagnosed each year in New Jersey. I thanked her for doing research on a subject so important to ovarian cancer survivors. The conclusion of the study as reported on the poster was that “Neuropathy symptoms were experienced by 51% of women with ovarian cancer who receive chemotherapy even up to 12 years after the end of treatment and seriously affect their health related quality of life.”

The second study, done in the United States is an ongoing GOG study. The GOG group is now part of NRG Oncology.

Baseline Characteristics of Ovarian Cancer Survivors Enrolled in a Lifestyle Intervention Trial: Lives Study

The LIVES study  is recruiting women with stage II –IV ovarian cancer from 230 GOG clinics. The study has recruited 20% of its goal . Women were randomized to the lifestyle intervention group or the control group.  In the lifestyle group the womenwill receive information about healthy lifestyle and nutrition and is delivered via the internet using a special interactive platform. More information can be found at

Every Day is a Blessing!

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