©"L'Osservatore Romano" photos from the book John Paul II: A Light for the World.
I have written this blog about my experience as an ovarian cancer survivor for over three years now. I've shared stories about my CT and PET scans, the anxiety of waiting for CA-125 results, the options I had when I recurred, the sadness I felt when friends lost their battle and the decisions I made when I recurred and . But I also wrote about the good times,the support of my husband, the great medical care I received, the relief I felt when I was in remission, the happiness when my daughter married, how proud I was of my son when he graduated college and then graduate school and how thrilled I was when we traveled places I only dreamed about seeing. People often ask me how I have survived these past 5 years. And was it my positive attitude and I tell them it has been " Family, Faith and Good Medicine".
Well I haven't really shared much about the Faith aspect of this journey so I thought in light of the future beatification of Pope John Paul II ( or as I fondly call him JP squared) that I would write a bit about my faith on this cancer journey.
I was born and raised a Roman Catholic. But if you go back to March of 1995, I was not very happy with my God. My sister Roberta passed away after a 5 year battle with breast cancer. My prayer was not answered.
Then in October of 1995 my daughter and I were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the mass offered by Pope John Paul II at the Meadowlands. It was a cool, very rainy day. But I remember clearly being moved to tears as he entered the stadium and again as he offered mass. (The photo above is actually of the Pope responding to my side of the stadium. I'd share one of my photos but we were in the very top tier , 9 rows from the top and the Pope was very small.) At the end of the Mass, I held up rosary beads which he blessed. Today , you can find those rosary beads in my pocketbook.
Fast forward to 2005, the Pope had passed away in April. He was more than my pontiff he was a world leader I looked up to and admired. I received my ovarian cancer diagnosis in July. I didn't forget those rosary beads blessed by Pope John Paul II. I used them to pray to Jesus when I was upset , I prayed during my chemo infusions and I prayed when it was 3 am and the steroids kept me awake. I thought about the dignified and holy way that Pope John Paul II faced his disease and death. That was the way I wanted to face my diagnosis.
My Aunt Dora prays to the Blessed Mother . But I pray to Mary and to Pope John Paul II. I read these words spoken by the Pope every day:
" Today, I tell you:
continue unflaggingly on the journey on
which you have set out in order
to be witnesses everywhere
of the glorious Cross of Christ .
Do Not Be Afraid!
May the joy of the Lord,
crucified and Risen,
be your strength, and may
Mary Most Holy
always be beside you"
The Pope's words gave me the strength to continue with treatments when I really wanted to stop, the strength to face the surgery for my recurrence and the strength to get through each day whatever that day may bring. Those words still give me strength. Maybe even the strength to write this post and share my Faith with others.
Every day is a Blessing! Thank you JP squared for helping me to face this disease.
Thanks for sharing-that's beautiful :). You may have seen my Catholic journey on my blog too!
Hi Rach
I've read your blog for a few years now. I remember the Glamour competition.
You are an inspiration to many. Every Day sure is a blessing!
Dee, this is a lovely piece of writing. I too was raised Roman Catholic and believe strongly in the intercession of JPII. My mother (an 8-year, stage IV breast cancer survivor) always prayed to St. Jude -- an apostle and patron saint of hopeless cases. She reminds me that St. Jude saved her life, and I politely remind her that Herceptin (& Dennis Slamon) must have been working at St. Jude's direction. My father had a blended approach to faith and self empowerment. He always said, "Trust in God, but tie your horse to the hitching post."
Thank you for this special piece of writing. All the best, Paul (Libby's H*O*P*E*)
Thanks Paul for your comment.My cousin gave me a St Jude medal when I was diagnosed so I have said prayers to St Jude too.
I am blessed to be able to share my journey and hopefully help others along the way.
Take care,
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