Monday, June 25, 2012

Lessons My Grandson Taught Me

Sorry for not updating my blog for the past week or so. I am fine. I was busy spending time with family. I traveled to visit my daughter , her husband and my nine month old grandson,  in Kansas. We were there to attend my son-in-laws  Change of Command Ceremony. He is a captain in the US Army, and took command of Delta Battery  part of the 1st Battalion 5th Field Artillery. The 1-5 is the oldest continuously serving active duty unit in the US military. The 1-5 served under the command of Alexander Hamilton during the revolutionary war. It was a beautiful day for the outdoor ceremony and the reception that followed included the most awesome cakes.

On the way there and back we stopped to visit my niece , her husband and son. It was great spending time with them. Their Son D gave me the name GeeGee. He was trying to say Aunt Dee.

At my daughters I got to watch my grandson John ,who is now 9 months old, play, eat, cry and crawl around. He says a few dadas and mamas but as I watched him I saw that he could teach me some pretty important things- without using words.

Nothing is better than being in the arms of your family. ( Mom, Dad, and Grandmas, Grandpas and Uncles, Aunts)

When you are done eating just push that food away.( He would always push the bottle out of his mouth when he was done drinking even if there was more left. Oh, how I wish I could put that one into practice more often.)

Sleep when you need too. Even if it means taking a nap in the middle of the day when lots of people are around.
Your dog is your best friend.  ( John has two best friends , Silvio and Walter, by his side.) .

When people take out a camera- smile! 

Keep trying even if it means you keep falling down, eventually things will work out.


( John kept trying to pull himself up to a standing position while we were there. He did accomplish it two days after we left.)

John's lessons made me smile. I hope they do the same for you.

Every Day is a Blessing!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Very sweet, and I love the lessons (particularly the one about napping!).