TEAL TEA Foundation's - Fifth Annual Teal Tea
Turn the World Teal -- Cities of the World
Sunday, May 1, 2011
2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
silent auction and light refreshments start at 1:00 pm
Hyatt Regency -- Princeton, NJ

Ticket Pricing
Now through April 1 -- $50.00 per person
April 1 through April 30 -- $60.00 per person
At the Door -- $65.00 per person
College Students -- $40.00
Order online or contact the foundation at
Jean Shipos (267)994-6430 or
Amy Cellini (609)234-5153
Further information about the Teal Tea Foundation can be found here.
I love attending these teas. It doesn't get much better when you can get together with friends and other survivors while raising funds research at the Cancer Institute of NJ (where I was treated) and Fox Chase . I attended Jenny Allen's show "I Got Sick Then I Got Better" and it was fantastic. I'm looking forward to meeting her again. An added bonus is being able to see all the pretty table decorations and take chances on some great gifts.
See you there.
Every Day is a Blessing!
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