Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 18 A Month of Teal : Ovarian Cancer - Recurrence is Common

Recurrence was one thing I tried not to think about when I was initially diagnosed. But more than 80% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer ( or fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer ) have a recurrence after completing initial treatment

Most likely once you finish front line treatment for ovarian cancer your doctor will follow up with you on a regular basis. He/she may ask you to have your CA-125 level checked every 1-3 months . Increases over time in your level of CA-125 may signal a recurrence. A trial by the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the EORTC  showed there was no benefit to women in detecting and treating a rising CA-125. If your CA125 rises you may be asked to have a CT scan.

Patients with confirmed recurrent disease are separated into two groups:
  • Platinum resistant or platinum refractory recurrence is when a women 's disease will progress while on initial treatment or when the disease returns within 6 months of completing initial treatment.  A women will usually begin treatment with a drug other than the carboplatin/cisplatin taxol combination that she was given originally.
  • Platinum sensitive recurrence  is when the disease recurs more than  6 months from finishing initial treatment. In this case, most women are given a platinum drug and another chemotherapy agent. 

Over the next two days  I will share more information on the chemotherapy and targeted therapy treatments a women might receive after a recurrence.

Every Day is a Blessing!

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