Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SGO from a Distance- Part 2

Before I begin sharing some tweets from yesterday's SGO Annual Meeting I want to share Ovarian Cancer Prevention: Ready for Prime Time a commentary written by Otis Brawley, MD in the ACS Journal CANCER. Initially the letter was not available to those who were not subscribers to CANCER. But after tweeting about survivors / advocates having to pay $6 to read the letter, editors made the commentary as well as the original article ( Society of Gynecologic Oncology recommendations for the prevention of ovarian cancer) available to all free of charge. Thank you to Wiley and the editors of the ACS Journal CANCER for responding within hours to my request.

 Where You Are Treated is Important:

Pap Test & Ovarian Cancer:

Do Ovarian Cancer Survivors Know their BRCA Status?

Cediranib and Endometrial Cancer:

Ruciparib Effectiveness in Ovarian Cancer:

Cervical Cancer and Bevacizumab:
Solving the Health Care Problem

Thanks so much to all the docs and researchers at SGO for sharing their insights during the Annual Meeting.

Every Day is a Blessing!

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