Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Seven Years a Blogger

Yesterday, December 30th marked the seventh anniversary of writing this blog.

I started this blog back in December of 2007 because I wanted to  share my experience and information about ovarian cancer with other women diagnosed with the disease in NJ. At the time I was not sure I would live to see my 5th "cancerversary". But next year, 2015, I will celebrate my 10th "cancerversary". My blog has also grown and now reaches women in the US as well as internationally ( UK, Germany, Russia, Canada France, etc.)

Some of my most popular posts this year were:

I know this year I have not posted at the frequency I have posted in the past. One reason why has been my increased involvement with the #gyncsm community. In late 2013, Christina Lizaso and I founded the community for women diagnosed with gynecologic cancers as well as their caregivers and health care providers. You may find us on twitter at @gyncsm . We offer monthly chats on topics of interest to the community ( 2nd Wed of the month 9pm EST) . Christina and I research each topic we discuss, develop questions, find reliable resources for our followers as well as guest speakers. I also continue to write for our blog ( which provides info about each chat, links to transcripts and resources related to each topic. In addition to the chat information, I have posted about clinical trials, World Ovarian Cancer Day and reported on the results of a survey we did of #gyncsm followers. In October this year,  we also partnered with Smart Patients an online platform to offer a place for our community members to discuss our topics in more the 140 characters.

In addition to being a patient reviewer for PCORI , a Survivors Day Committee committee member, volunteer with the Kaleidoscope of Hope Foundation, and e-patient scholar at Stanford MedX I was  a busy wife, mom and grandma.

I look forward to continuing to blog (hopefully more frequently) in 2015.

I wish all my readers a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Every Day is a Blessing!

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