Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Saturday at #ASCO24 - Science, Opening Session and My Social Media Panel Presentation

Over the next few days I will share my experience at #ASCO24 , the science I learned , amazing people I spoke to and of course my presentation on social media. 

Late in the day on Friday,  I finally got to McCormick Place. The traffic from the airport was dreadful but I arrived in time to pick up my badge from the Faculty Lounge. Then I headed to my favorite sushi place - Nui Sushi for dinner.

Rapid Oral Abstract Session Highlights. (I missed some sessions as I had scheduled a time to practice my presentation. )

Ovarian Cancer: AXL expression can be used as a biomarker in OC. Those with high AXL expression had improved PFS and OS when treated with Bateraxcept in combo with taxol.

Ovarian Cancer: Use of suvemcitug, an anti-VEGF drug with chemo,  met PFS goal 5.49 months vs placebo at 2.73 months.

Ovarian , Fallopian, Peritoneal Cancers: Oral cyclophosphamide can be used together- Objective response rate 40%

President's Speech and Invited Speakers

Dr Lynn Schuchter,President of ASCO, inspiring speech.  

Jonathan Carlson, Microsoft Health Futures, spoke on AI use in medicine

Abraham Verghese , Stanford spoke next relating to the meeting theme Art and Science

Clinical Science Symposium Novel combinations across the gyn cancer spectrum

Ovarian Cancer combinations:

Cervical Cancer mTOR inhibitors

Ovarian Cancer - overcoming PARP resistance , HRD status did not impact response

A review of combos:

Endometrial cancers CTK4 inhibitors 

Future Endometrial Cancer work

I finished the day participating in a panel with Dr Gil Morgan and Dr Gil Lopez  on Harnessing the Power of Social Media. What an honor! Below are a few tweets from the audience. Dr Morgan spoke on using social media to improve global oncology and the The OncoAlert Consortium. Dr Lopez spoke on using social media to advance research and professional development. I spoke on social media to educate patients with cancer and clinicians.

Check back to read posts highlighting Sunday's Session and the connections I made at ASCO with researchers, clinicians and other advocates. 


Every Day is a Blessing!

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