Wednesday, March 24, 2021

2021 SGO Virtual Meeting Sunday March 21, 2021

I am happy to share with you Tweets that cover the work presented during the last full day session of SGO was on Sunday, March 21, 2021.

One session, Time to Return to the Drawing Board, reported clinical trial results that did not meet their aims. Understanding where a drug or treatment may have failed to provide the results expected is as important as those trials that meet aims.




Durvalumab and Trememlimumab

Additional sessions of interest.

Barriers to Quality of Care - Poster 

Uterine lavage and early detection

Post operative opiods use model 

Neuropathy and genetic variants 

Gross resection and OS / NACT

Vulvar Cancer Studies 

Endometrial cancer 

Cediranib and Olaparib NRG GY012



Here are some articles from various sources that go more into depth about studies discussed at the meeting. 

Medscape article on hormone IUD and endometrial cancer

Vulvar cancer patients with sentinel node micrometastases, radiation therapy (RT) to the groin after local excision led to extremely low rates of recurrence, a phase II trial suggested 

ABV-500 small molecule in OC


Thank you so Eisai for supporting patient advocates at the annual meeting . 

Thank you SGO leadership for making us feel welcome and for all the gyn oncs who answered our questions.  


Every Day is a Blessing!

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