Today it is four years since I was diagnosed with Stage III Ovarian Cancer. And I continue to LIVESTRONG. A lot has happened since my last cancerversary.
Last August, I walked in my second Philly Livestrong challenge with my niece Alycia , her husband Kevin and my brother-in law Mike ;last September,I had the opportunity to visit my daughter and her husband in Lawton, OK and saw my first live buffalo ;in October, traveled to Asheville, NC with Nick and saw the beautful Biltmore Estate .
Then things changed. I came home to find that my CT showed growths on my liver and spleen. The cancer routine started again- research, office visits and discussions with my doctors at CINJ, surgery in November. I had some time to recover and had a wonderful Christmas with my children. Chemo started in January. I had 2 cycles of carbo /taxol then switched to taxol only due to the severe carbo reaction that I had. Bald and low neutrophils , I visited my son in Blacksburg, Va for Easter and came home to have my last chemo.
The day after I finished chemo we were on the road - literally. Nick and I drove to Manhattan, Kansas and spent a week with my daughter and son-in-law in their new home. Come the end of June, Nick and I took a wonderful trip to Alaska.I am still in awe of the magnificent scenery. We came home to Jersey for two days and hit the road again driving to DisneyWorld and met up with our kids for a fun time. On the way home we stopped by Denise and George's house in Georgia.
A friend recently wrote to me - " You are doing all this traveling - don't you have Cancer?"
Nope - Cancer
does not have me.
Every Day is a Blessing! I am blessed by Dr Gibbon and Rodriguez who have helped me celebrate this Cancerversary.